Posted on 12/23/2017 in Understand the Quran

Survival and Food in the Quran

The Quran is a complete source of guidance for all Muslims not only in the matters of the how we live our lives but also about what we eat and drink. Allah has mentioned in the Quran specific things that we as Muslims should eat and other things that we should stay away from. The Quran hence gives us a comprehensive set of rules to do so.


Posted on 12/20/2017 in Understand the Quran

Justice in the Quran

Allah has spoken in the Quran about almost all things in the world and given us a complete guidance on how to live our lives by following the principles of the Quran. Whether it be love, marriage, charity, relatives, neighbours, your family and other things like theft, honesty and justice. Justice is a term that Allah has mentioned numerous times in the Quran because he Himself is the most just Being ever. Allah shows us justice and will continue to show us justice till we reach our final destination, either heaven or hell. Allah says again and again in the Quran to be just in our dealings with people, parents, friends and all other circumstances and never ever to rob a person of their rights. This is because when Allah’s creation is just Allah will reciprocate the deeds of the person.


Posted on 12/19/2017 in Understand the Quran

The Sun and Light in the Quran

The Quran has numerous miracles and one of the most amazing ones is the mention of the Sun, the Moon and the Lights all made by Allah. Allah has given us numerous blessings and night and day is one of the blessings that stand out the most. All of it is mentioned in the Quran in Allah’s words so that we can pay heed and take note and learn about the circle of this world so that we may follow the right path.


Posted on 6/16/2017 in Understand the Quran

Understanding the Quran

We Muslims, once we reach the age of 4, our parents send us off to learn to read the Quran irrespective of whether we understand the Arabic scripture or not, we have to learn how to read it. This is the lone purpose.


Posted on 6/16/2017 in Understand the Quran

The Quran and its comparison with Poetry

During the life of the Prophet (PBUH) there were many accusations made that the Quran was poetry. The Prophet was accused of forging it and presenting it to the people so that they may believe him. This went on for a long time during the time that the Holy Prophet was bringing people towards Islam. He came about the topic of discussion of the Quran being compared to poetry.


Posted on 6/15/2017 in Understand the Quran

Preservation of the Quran

The entire Quran was revealed to the Prophet (PBUH) in his lifetime. The period of revelation was 23 years, up to just a few days before the Prophet (PBUH) passed away. However, the Prophet realized the importance of the preservation of the words of Allah during his lifetime and took active measures to ensure that these divine words were preserved for his upcoming generations, which he called Ummah.


Posted on 6/15/2017 in Understand the Quran

Fear of Allah and the Quran

What is Fear of Allah? It is the feeling the human gets when they are living in the ‘dunya’, going about their lives and striving to live according to the commandments of Allah. But do all of us have that feeling? The answer is very simple. No. Why do we not have that fear? The answer is again very simple. Because we have not paid heed to the greatest of the greatest guidelines of Islam, the miracle of the month of Ramadan, the book that was brought down on our last Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), the Quran.


Posted on 6/15/2017 in Understand the Quran

Thankfulness in the Quran

Just like the verse above, in the Quran Allah has mentioned again and again to be grateful to him for the blessings he endows upon us and to say thank you. Why? Is it because Allah needs our thanks? Certainly not. Is it because our gratefulness will make a difference to him? Absolutely not! Allah asks us to be thankful to him all the time in the Quran because it is US who it going to make a difference to.


Posted on 6/15/2017 in Understand the Quran

Day and Night in the Quran

The whole world and all its affairs, all its workings, and everything that goes with it is mentioned in the Quran. The mechanics of every night that proceeds every day is mentioned in this book as Allah tells us again and again that he has created the day and the night and that he is Supreme while the rest of us are insignificant.


Posted on 6/15/2017 in Understand the Quran

Quran in the Homes

The Quran is one of the most important books that can be found in one’s home and there is no disagreeing to the fact under any circumstances. Not only does the Quran give us a sense of safety it is also the blessing of Allah upon us 24 hours a day. However, that is not to say that the Quran can protect us if we just keep it in the house lying closed.


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